COE Polymer strives to deliver the world, flexible pavement materials technology that will serve as the 'paradigm shift' necessary to cost effectively preserve expanding pavement infrastructures.



The Birth of AROS™ (Anisotropic Rubber Obviated Stress)

In the early 1990's a team of development engineers from Lockheed Missiles & Space Corp. (LMSC) set out to investigate how their ceramic technologies might play into SBS production, particularly as it related to asphalt modification and pavement construction.

Non-traditional scientific evaluation of the failure mechanism(s) associated with asphalt refractory composites (ARC) utilized in the built infrastructure were pursued by the development team. Detailed studies of the surface chemistry and petrographic character of clays and aggregates were performed by scientists and engineers including Orbiter (Space Shuttle) ceramic re-entry tile, team specialists; specifically searching for opportunities to upgrade ARC interfacial chemistry. Innovation ensued, targeting in particular the cost effective improvement of four asphalt emulsion characteristics: 1) adhesion, 2) cohesion, 3) early green strength and 4) water resistance when employed in ambient cured, structural waterproofing and pavement preservation systems.

The result of these past 14 years of development, spawned from LMSC ceramic technologies, has produced an Asphalt Rubber binder (ARB) technology that will serve as the long awaited 'paradigm shift' in flexible pavement materials. This new innovation is referred to as AROS™.